Everton Independent Research Data


Liverpool Daily Post - Saturday 02 July 1904
The annual athletic gathering in connection with the Liverpool police force will be held to-day on the ground of the Everton Football Club at Goodison Park. Given a fine afternoon, there is every indication from the number of entries for the various events of a highly successful meeting. The programme embraces nearly a score of event, and one of the principal feature will be found in a race in fancy or grotesque costume, this item being confined to members of the home force over 15st in weight or having completed twenty years’ service. The two miles walking handicap shows an entry of over 100, and other events have received similar numerical attention.

Athletic News - Monday 04 July 1904
Considering the threatening weather, it was surprising to find so large a company at the Everton football grounds, where the nineteenth annual meeting of the Liverpool Police Athletic Society was decided. This meeting, however, has always been a successful venture, due mainly to the business-like manner in which every little detail is attended to. The programme, as usual, was of lengthy proportions, being made up of seventeen events, seven of them open. The scratch races —open to all police in the United Kingdom-for the Poole and Waring Shields, which have always been a feature of these sports, were withheld this year, and in their places handicaps had been substituted. The five score yards handicap, for which there were 93 entries, who were drawn in sixteen heats, was run through in excellent style, thanks to starter Cole and his able assistants. With the second round reached, the little Liverpool Harrier. J. Lea (8 ½ ), annexed the first heat in clever style in 10 2-5 sec. The second spin was won 10 1-5 sec. by a powerful runner F.W. Bubb,  Aintree (8 ½ ), who had proved successful at Sefton a few weeks back in the sprint and “220." In the third trial W. R. Owen, Sefton Harriers (8 ¾ ), was successful in 10 2-5sec., alter a desperate race with R. Edge. Ormskirk (8 ½ ), and in the last spin in this round S. Griffiths. Widnes (8 ½ ) reached the tape first in similar time to Bubb. A singular feature of the final was that there was only a quarter of a yard difference in the starts of the four men. In the final they left their marks almost in a line, Lea, if anything, having the advantage. Twenty yards from home a handkerchief would have covered the lot; Bubb and Griffiths then singled themselves out and ran a splendid race home, the former winning on the post, with Lea a foot away third. The Mile had an entry of close upon a hundred, the starts extending from a previous winner of the race in J. Edge, Sefton Harriers (68), to the veteran Paddy Shay, Old Xavierians (166). Most of the entry came to the post, but in the race a deal of jostling took place. On settling down J. S Gilbertson, North Liverpool G.H. (145), cut out the work from W. T. Lowe, Liverpool Boundary H. (150), and Shay. A quarter of a mile from home the latter took up the running, followed by J. F. Supplies, Sefton Harriers (88). At this point F. Latham, West Cheshire Harriers (137), came with a rush, and stalling off a challenge by O. H. Cunningham, Clonville Harriers (100), won fairly comfortably, with Supplies third.  It is seldom that one sees such a turn-out for a two mile walk as that we had here, for close upon seventy professors of “fair heel and toe” came to the post. The judges had a very busy time, and disqualifications were, as usual, numerous. After going a little over half the distance it was difficult to find who was in front, but eventually R. Wilkinson, Liverpool (275), was declared the winner, with J. R. Prince, Liverpool P.A.S. (320). and W. Balmer,  Liverpool (350) occupying the remaining places.
These created deal of interest, although class but poorly represented. The Mile was divided into six heats, the winners being A. Reunion, Little Button (125); P- Ward, Leigh A.C. (170): P. Howard. M.A.C. (146); S. McKevitt, Cambridge C.C. (I70); F. Molyneux, Knutsford (155); and H. Mountfield, Warrington A.C. (160). In the final the men kept well together until about 300 yards from home, where Howard and Bennion came away, the former winning by his machine length, with Molyneux, close up, third. In the Two Miles the latter, who is getting quite in the veteran stage, had an easy journey, for always holding a good position, he shot to the front on the last lap. and won by about three lengths from J. Gavin, Wigan R.A.C (260), and P. Ward, leigh A.C. (255).
In the “Hundred” the first three places fell to members of the promoting body. J. Brook (8) winning after a capital race from the veteran Hughie Stephens (10); A. Bell (7) being third. The “Half” brought out, amongst others. J. T. Rammer (scratch), who was expected to have had a try at one of the distance championships. Rimmer is, however, in nothing like form, for he failed to make much impression on his field, a Manchester policeman in J. Bacon (75) proving a ready winner from A G. Edge, Liverpool P.A.S (25), and the old-timer, George Morris, Salford Barriers (85). The “Quarter” was annexed by S. McKay, Liverpool P.A.S, (25), a member of the Lancashire County Police in R. Parrington (18) filling second berth, and the winner of the “half,” Bacon, third. The miles cycle event (open to all police) was easily won by the Liverpool division, J.J. Rogers (scratch) and T, Williams (scratch), taking first and second, while T. Worrall, of the Salford police (30), was third.

Liverpool Daily Post - Monday 04 July 1904
The athletic sports annually promoted by the Liverpool Police Athletic Society were held on Saturday afternoon at the Everton Football ground, Goodison park. This was the nineteenth festival of its kind, and an unqualified success is to be recorded. The weather had been far from promising earlier in the day, but by two o’clock, when the sports commenced, the conditions had distinctly improved, and there was abundance of sunshine throughout the remainder of the afternoon. As a consequence, there was a large attendance, numbering quite 15,000 spectators. The entries were exceedingly large- about 670 in all, which is regarded as a record. Particularly numerous were the competitors in the Mile Flat Race, the 100 Yards Open Flat Race, and the Two Miles Walk. The increase in entries is attributable in great measure to the throwing open of many events which in previous years had been jealously restricted to members of the Liverpool police force or to police forces generally. The Two Miles Walk, for instance, was for the first time an open event, and the result was that as many as seventy-seven competitors entered. Another new departure was the 220 Yards Flat Race handicap, confined to members having twenty years’ service or being 15 stone weights, the competitors in which according to regulations, appearing in fancy costume. This event was productive of a good deal of merriment, as was also the Obstacle Race. The Tug of War naturally was a prime feature, and the various bouts were followed with the greatest eagerness. The teams faced one another in the following order;- Liverpool Police v Manchester Police, London City Police v Bellman’s A.C., Huskisson Combine v. Brunswick C.L.C and Seaforth P.S.A. v. Bootle Celtic. During the afternoon choice selections of music were contributed by the Constabulary Band (under Superintendent Crawley) and by the Cheshire Lines Band (under Mr. R. Smith).
As in past years, the Head Constable entertained a number of friends in the reserved enclosure. There was a considerable and fashionable attendance, which included the Lord Major and Lady Mayoress, the Major and Mayoress of Bootle, the Mayor and Mayoress of Birkenhead, the Head Constable and Mrs. Dunning, the Deputy Head Constable and Mrs. Lane, Lady Forwood (Gateacre). Sir Edward and Lady Russell, Mr. Joseph Hult, M.P., Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, Horsfall, Mr. and Mrs. David Bingham, Mr. and Mrs. E. Stewart Brown, Mr. and Mrs Bruce Ismay, Mrs. Chavasse, Mr. and Mrs. George Wynne, Judge and Mrs. Shand, Mr. and Mrs. W. Tod, Mr. and Mrs. Van Heyder, Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Leyland, Mr. and Mrs. Lumley, Alderman M.H. Maxwell, W.H. Watts, J.R. Grant, J. Duncan, and F. Smith; Councillors dart, Hunter, Hutchinson, Armour, W. Houlding, Chevalier, and T. Roberts; Mr. R.F. Gladstone, Mr, Isaac Morris, Mr. Charles MacIver, Mr. Malandrino (Greek Consul), Mr. Sandbach Parker, Mr. W. Trubshaw, Mr. W. J. Pelly, (deputy-governor of Walton Goal), Drs. Glynn Whittle, Lowndes, Dawson, Edwards, Bushby, Pitts, Wilson, Sugden, Walker, and Llewellyn, Morgan; the Head Constable of Chester and Mrs. Laybourne, Superintendent and Mrs. Cross (Seaforth), Superintendent Baxendale (Prescot), Superintendent Jervis (Ormskirk), Chief-Superintendents Sperrin, Smith and Thomas; Superintendents Tomlinson, Webb, and Smith. Inspectors F.W Mullineux had charge of the enclosure in which light refreshments were served Mr. W.J. Holmes being the caterer.
The official duties were ably discharged by the following;- President; Mr. L. Dunning (Head Constable), Chairman; Mr. H.P.P. Lane (Assistant Head Constable), Vice-chairman; Chief-Superintendent Sperrin. Judges; Tug-of-War, Captain Broadbent (Schoolship Conway); cycling, E.T. Parry and C. Hughes, assistant judges C.E. Pugh; flat events J. Merlin, R.R. Ellis, and Inspector Nelson; referee. J. Bennett Timekeepers; H.P. Ellis and T. Audley. Starter J. Cole, Marksmen; Inspector Davis, Police-sergeants Stephens, Ridley, Ford, &c., Call clerks; Police-sergeants Harrison and Johnson, &c., Telegraph stewards; Inspector Crompton, Police-sergeant Nicholson, &c., Programme stewards Police-sergeant Whitley, &c., Press stewards; Inspector Foulkes, &c., Prize stewards; Inspector Ramage, &c. Financial stewards; The hon, treasurer, Chief-Inspector Foden, and Inspector Robinson. Field stewards; Chief-Inspector McDougall. Inspectors Turcan and Mullineux, and Police=sergeants Roberts and Vaughan. Stewards; Inspector Lamothe, Sub-Inspectors Monck, Smith and Dawson; Police-sergeants Baird, T. Jones, Denby, Roddon, Cater, Blinkhorn, &c., Hon. treasurer; Superintendent Caldwell. The important office of secretary was capably filled by Sergeant Joseph Park. Results;-
100 Yards Flat Race Handicap (open to members of any police force in the kingdom)- 1. J Brook, L.P.A.S. 8 yards; 2. H. Stephens, L.P.A.S 10; 3, A. Bell, L.P.A.S. 7; 4, J. Galvin, Manchester, 8. Won by inches; same divided second and third. Time 10 4-5 secs.
220 Yards Flat Race Handicap (members)- 1. C.C. Coward, 9 yards; 2. S Paterson , 13; 3. J. Edge, 4; 4 T. Williams, 19. Won by a yard; same between second and third. Time 25 secs.
Two Miles Walking Race Handicap (open).- 1. R. Wilkinson, Liverpool 275 yards; 2. J.R. Prince, L.P.A.S. 320; 3. W. Balmer, Liverpool, 350; 4. R. McGain, L.P.A.S, 250. Won by five yards; same between second and third. Time 13 mins, 55 secs.
220 Yards Flat Race handicap (confirmed to members having 20 years’ service, or being 15 stone weight, to be run in fancy costume) -1. J. Roberts, 14 yards; 2. H. Henderson, 11; 3. J.M. Davis, 16; 4. A. Wilson, 28. Won by one yard; five yards between second and third.
Mile Bicycle Handicap (open).- 1. P. Howard, M.A.C., 145 yards; 2. A. Bennion, Little Sutton, 125; 3. F. Molyneux, Knutsford, 155; 4. P. Ward, Leigh A.C. 170. Won by a length; two lengths between second and third. Time, 2 mins, 30 secs.
Half Mile Flat Race Handicap (open to any police force in the kingdom).- 1. J. Bacon, Manchester, 75 yards; 2. A.G. Edge, L.P.A.S. 25; 3. G.H. Morris, Salford, 85; 4. T. Carroll, L.P.A.S. 20. Won by six yards; one yard between second and third. Time, 2 mins, 2 3-5 secs.
350 Yards Flat Race Handicap (confirmed to members who have served over ten years in the Liverpool Police). 1. S. Paterson, 4 yards; 2. T. Williams, 16; 3. H. Stephens, scratch; 4. J.A. Cameron, 6. Won by two yards; five yards between second and third.
One Mile Flat Race Handicap (open).- 1. F. Latham, West Cheshire Harriers, 137 yards; 2. O.H. Cunningham, Clonliffe Harriers. 100; 3. J.F. Supplies, Sefton Harriers, 88; 4. J.G. Morrison, Walton, 145. Won by eight yards; two yards between second and third. Time 4 mins, 31 1-5 secs.
100 Yards Flat race handicap (for members, including pensioners, sons under fifteen years).- 1. V. Embledon, 32 yards; 2. R. Stephens, 23; 3. F. Mayor, 17; 4. D.A. Embledon, 16; 5 R. McGain, 18.
One Mile Bicycle handicap (open to any police force in the kingdom).- 1. J.J. Rogers, L.P.A.S., scratch; 2. T. Williams, L.P.A.S., scratch; 3. T. Worrall, Salford, 30; 4. J. Shirley, Manchester. 20. Won by a length; two lengths between second and third. Time, 2 mins 48 secs.
Egg and Spoon Race, 100 Yards Handicap (for members, including pensioners, daughters, under fifteen years).- 1. M. Embledon, 25 yards; 2. J. Curwen, 16; 3. M. J. Longridge, 4; 4. W Nickson,12; 5. M. Pragnall, 15.  
100 Yards Flat Race Handicap (open).- 1. F.W. Bubb Aintree, 1 ½ yards; 2. S. Griffiths, Widnes, 8 ½ 3. J. Lea, L.H. and A.C., 8 ½ 4, W.R. Owen, Sefton Harriers, 8 ¾ Won by inches; same between second and third., time 10 1-5 secs.
Tug-of-War.- Final; London City Police beat Liverpool Police.
600 Yards Obstacle-1. R. Thomas, North Liverpool G.H. 70 yards; 2. J. W. Daniels, Rochdale Harriers, 55; 3. W.N. Purdy, Rochdale, A.C., 70; 4, V. Butterworth, Rochdale, 30. Won easily; five yards between second and third.
440 Yards (open to any police).- 1. S. McKay, Liverpool P.A.S., 25; 2. R. Parrington, Lancashire County, 18; 3. J. Bacon, Manchester, 25; 4. J. Brady, Manchester 18, Won by three yards; two yards between second and third. Time, 54 3-5 secs.
Two Miles Bicycle.- 1. F. Molyneux, Knutsford, 230 yards; 2. Garvin, Wigan R.A.C 260; 3. P. Ward, Leigh A.C., 255; 4. A.L. Jones, Liverpool, 260, Won by three lengths; inches divided second and third. Time 5 mins, 33 2-5 secs.
The Lady Mayoress distributed the prizes after which, Mr. Dunning proposed a vote of thanks to the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress and made the gratifying announcement that the receipts of the sports exceeded those of any previous year.
The Lord Mayor, in replying on behalf of the Lady mayoress and himself, said he wished to bear testimony to the splendid services rendered by the Liverpool police force. It was his privilege to be a member of the Watch Committee for some years, and he knew that what the Committee and the Head Constable had in mind was to make the Liverpool police force second to none, whether as regards efficiency or character. On behalf of the community he wished to say how greatly they appreciated the services of the Liverpool police and as Chief Magistrate he thoroughly appreciated them. They might congratulate themselves on the success of that day’s sports (cheers).
On the motion of Superintendent Sperrin, a vote of thanks was accorded to the Head Constable and Mrs. Dunning for coming to receive the guests.

Lancashire Evening Post - Friday 15 July 1904
Willima Scott (goal), and Alexander D. McCartney (left full-back), of the Linfield Club, Belfast, have bene signed by Everton for next season.

Liverpool Daily Post - Friday 15 July 1904
In view of strengthening their forces for the forthcoming football season, the directors of the Everton Football Club have secured two new men to fill important positions in their team. Ireland has been the preserve from which these men have been “captured,” and both are well-known international players- namely, William Scott, goalkeeper, and A.D. McCartney, a left full-back. These men are looked upon to provide considerable strength to the Goodison Park forces.

Northern Daily Telegraph - Friday 15 July 1904
The Everton football team for next season has been strengthened by the signing on of two Irish International players. These are William Scott (goal), and Alexander D. McCartney (let back), from the Linfield Club, Belfast. Their services have been sought by several English football clubs, but until they signed League forms for Everton they could not be tempted to leave Ireland.

Liverpool Mercury - Friday 15 July 1904
The Everton football team for next season has been strengthened by the signing on of two Irish international players. These are Wm. Scott (goal) and Alexander D. McCartney (left back), from the Linfield Club, Belfast. Their services have been sought by several English football clubs, but until they signed League forms for Everton they could not be tempted to leave Ireland.

Athletic News - Monday 18 July 1904
Of recent years there seems to have been quite a mania for Irish players. Although our friends who have the management of the clubs across the channel may not altogether appreciate the distinction, still this migration can only be regarded as a certain sign of the improvement in Irish football. the last players to run after English money are Scott (goal) and McCartney (back), of the Lindfield Athletic Club, Ireland’s premiers, who will next season feel quite at home at Everton for when they have a longing for the old country they need only fix up a Marconi apparatus and speak across the Irish sea! They are, or course, both Internationals and as McCracken is at Newcastle, the Irish Association will require to look around for more native born backs.



July 1904